
Shine like the star that you are

Brilliant – Illuminated – Confidant

Let your womb birth Kings & Queens

Those who make change

Those that will be heard

Even when the silence surrounds us

Mujer manifest Greatness

In your walk, talk & laughter

May your “caderas (hips)” sway

To the musical tune in your spirit

Let others see the determination

In your actions

Let your confidence drip from your pours

Let your “presencia (presence)” leave footprints of change

Mujer manifest your God given talent

Don’t allow anyone to destroy your spirit

Know the sound of your voice

The beat of your rhythm

So that others can understand

Your tune

Mujer never let others dictate your path

Be a leader not a follower

Be liberated not bounded by standards

Allow God to lead the way

To the future that is yours by destiny

Be an asset to those around you

But never let anyone take what is not given

Because “tu eres reina (you are Queen)” of your Kingdom

Mujer know your place

“En este mundo (in this world)” we inhabit

Prepare the way for the next generation of “mujeres (women)”

Be their confidant

Their shoulder to cry on

Their “oreja (ear)” to listen intently

The words of wisdom to remove their weariness

Their “fortaleza (strength)” to bring them fortitude

Mujer let your “sufrimientos (suffering)” become sunshine

Be illuminated in your awesomeness & light

Let your “lagrimas (tears)” nourish life

Help cultivate not only your spirit but those of others

Let the strength of your ancestors give you

Motivation to move forward to greatness

Mujer we are NOT defined by the downfalls of our journey

Or by the sorrows, and tears we’ve wept

Or by the sweat falling down our backs

But by the “fuerza (force)” of our fight

Never allowing ourselves to give up

In this faction we call life

Mujer we are “GUERRERAS “(Warriors)

Let your war cries be heard

Our walk may be filled with trials & tribulations

Our strength is fortified in our faith

Let your voice be heard

For others are listening… watching … waiting

Heighten your senses to your purpose



© Aminah Love 4/08/16


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