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Stressful Times Are An Opportunity To Teach Resilence

Between the global COVID-19 pandemic, the associated economic downturn, and widespread protests over racism, it’s difficult for everyone. Many people are struggling, consumed with anxiety and stress, finding ourselves unable to sleep or focus.

I have been particularly concerned about the impact of the pandemic on young people’s mental health anxiety and fear in infants and young children. Many have not physically been in school since March. They’re isolated from friends and relatives. Some fear that they or loved ones will contract the virus; they may be hurt in racial violence or violence at home – or they might lose their home in a wildfire or flood. These are very real-life stressors.

Decades of research have documented serious consequences from chronic stress in childhood. But psychologists have identified ways in which parents teach children how to cope with adversity – an idea commonly known as resilience.

The effects of childhood stress

Children cannot be protected from everything. Parents get divorced. Children grow up in poverty. Friends or loved ones are injured, fall ill, or die. Kids can experience neglect, physical or emotional abuse, or bullying. Families immigrate, end up homeless, or live through natural disasters.

There can be long-term consequences. Hardship in childhood can physically alter the brain architecture of a developing child. It can impair cognitive and social-emotional development, impacting learning, memory, decision-making, and more.

Some children develop emotional problems, act out with aggressive or disruptive behavior, form unhealthy relationships, or end up in trouble with the law. School performance often suffers, ultimately limiting job and income opportunities. The risk of suicide or drug and alcohol abuse can increase. Kids exposed to chronic stress may also develop lifelong health issues, including heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

So how do some kids thrive amidst serious challenges, while others are overwhelmed by them?  Researchers are working to identify what helps children overcome obstacles and flourish when the odds are stacked against them.

It seems to come down to both support and resilience. Resilience is defined as the ability to spring back, rebound, or readily recover from adversity. It’s a quality that allows people to be competent and accomplished despite challenging circumstances. Some children from difficult backgrounds do well from a young age. Others bloom later, finding their paths once they reach adulthood.

Ann Masten, a pioneer in developmental psychology research, referred to resilience as “ordinary magic.” Resilient kids don’t have some superpower that helps them persevere while others flounder. It isn’t a trait we’re born with; it’s something that can be fostered.

The key factors that help kids build resilience

The same executive function skills that create academic success seem to bestow critical coping strategies. With the capacity to focus, solve problems, and switch between tasks, children find ways to adapt and deal with obstacles in a healthy way.

Controlling behavior and emotions are also crucial. In a recent study, 8- to 17-year-olds who maintained emotional balance despite mistreatment were less likely to suffer from depression or other emotional problems.

However, relationships seem to be the foundation that keeps children grounded. “Attachment relationships” provide a lifelong sense of security and belonging. A parent’s or caregiver’s consistent support and protection are crucial for healthy development and the most important of these relationships. Other caring adults can help friends, teachers, neighbors, coaches, mentors, or others. Having steadfast support lends stability and helps kids build self-esteem, self-reliance, and strength.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an icon of resilience. She grew up in a Brooklyn working-class neighborhood and lost her mother – her prominent support figure – cancer before graduating from high school. She persevered, graduated first in her class at Cornell University, and ultimately became one of only four women to serve on the Supreme Court. Another example is John Lewis, who was the son of sharecroppers in segregated Alabama, yet become a pioneer in the civil rights movement and served 33 years in Congress.

How to encourage resilience at home

There are many ways parents can help their children build resilience. Allowing children to talk – and listening – shows caring and acceptance validates their feelings and helps them contextualize issues.

Sometimes the answer is allowing kids some degree of autonomy. Trusting them to try things on their own – and even fail – can help them learn to solve problems or deal with anger, disappointment, or other uncomfortable emotions. “Calm breathing” techniques offer another tool that allows children to control emotions.

It’s important to note that many children face not just one but many hardships. For example, kids who live in poverty may have less present or less competent parents; have high daily levels of stress; suffer hunger, poor nutrition or live in crowded conditions with few parks; have no health care; study in substandard schools, and have a greater likelihood of abuse.

Community-level interventions can help reduce risks while assisting children in building resilience. These initiatives can provide better living circumstances through affordable housing and improve health by reducing pollution. Vital programs can engage teachers, parents, and community members to build a stable support system for local children.

Classes in “social and emotional learning” have been gaining traction in schools. This curriculum teaches children to understand and manage their feelings, develop empathy for others, make responsible decisions, and solve problems.

These programs yield tangible results: one analysis of 270,000 participants showed that students raised their grades by an average of 11%. Other studies revealed that fewer participants dropped out of school, used drugs, or engaged in criminal activity – and school behavior improved.

Helping children build resilience is particularly critical now, as Americans face particular turbulence in daily life. Parents, too, need to guard their mental health to provide kids with crucial support: Building resilience isn’t just kid stuff.

More than 5 million kids in the U.S. experience some trauma each year. Thousands more live with chronic stress. So amid a global pandemic, it’s more important than ever to provide children with as much support and “ordinary magic” as we can.

Vanessa LoBue~Assistant Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University Newark.  This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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