Inner Wisdom

Throughout our lives, we encounter individuals who presume to know what is best for us. However, the insights they offer cannot compare with the powers of awareness and discernment that already exist within us. From birth, we are blessed with wisdom that cannot be learned or unlearned. Whether or not we acknowledge it, it is […]

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A Sacred Vow To Self

When we make a promise, a subtle yet powerful shift occurs in our souls, where intentions are housed. A vow is a tool we employ to facilitate transformation within ourselves and an expression of will. So to make an oath is to communicate to the universe and our deeper selves our commitment to the principles […]

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It’s our world, and it needs our energy to grow and thrive. Use your energy to protect your environment and do your part to make this world as beautiful, healthy, and safe as it was designed to be. Ramni

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Approaching Life With An Open Heart

To some degree, approaching life with an open heart is as simple as shifting your attention onto your heart. Spiritual teachers have always pointed to the heart as the seat of consciousness, and recently Western science has found evidence to support this realization. It turns out that the heart has its central nervous system and […]

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At some point in our lives, we are likely to ask for help, perhaps from no one in particular, without knowing where help could come from. Maybe we raise our eyes skyward or whisper our need under our breath, only to find that somehow we are heard, and the help we need arrives. It might […]

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Knowing Peace

“A tree does not say to itself, By the age 30 I want this many leaves, to be this tall, this wide, to drop this many seeds, to know this many other trees. It does not rush. It does not beat itself up, put itself down, doubt, or despair. A tree just grows. This is […]

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We have a tendency to hold onto things. Yet everything we hold onto has an energy associated with it. Holding onto emotions, relationships, people, situations, experiences, expectations, hopes, and beliefs that no longer serve us prevents our own energy from flowing. With so many unnecessary energies around us, we stagnate in life. Not only do […]

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Mind Games

Every night before I sleep About the time stars start to peep My mind in quiet solitude Plays games with words Making thoughts rhyme Not thinking of the place or time. I. I have no choice Except to lie and hear this voice That plays so constantly in my head Despite my protest, “it’s time […]

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Embody yourself Positively

Sometimes we start with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course. Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity. Much of our regular communication involves complaining […]

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When channeled into the pursuit of change, anger can be a helpful tool in our emotional palette. Anger is experienced by most people, some more than others. When anger has no outlet and morphs into resentment, it carries with it the potential to cause great turmoil. Allowing us to assign blame for the pain we […]

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